Maj. General Robert E. Wheeler, USAF (Ret.)

Maj. General Wheeler retired from the Air Force in March of 2016 after 32 years of service. He served as DoD Deputy Chief Information Officer for Command, Control, Communications/Computers (C4) at the Office Secretary of Defense. He also led and executed the DoD’s largest spectrum auction in U.S. history with industry, White House and Congress. He served in multiple staff assignments including air campaign analyst for the Air Force Studies and Analysis Agency, and division chief for the Joint Chiefs of Staff for European security issues. Additionally, he was the senior military adviser to the U.S. Mission Vienna, Austria for the Organization for Security and Cooperation Europe (OSCE). Wheeler earned a degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Wisconsin and was commissioned in the United States Air Force in 1984. He went on to become a combat pilot in the B-52 and B-2 with more than 5,000 hours and seven operational commands including Wing Commands in the two largest bomber wings in the U.S. Air Force. General Wheeler advises various DoD senior advisory panels.