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Our Story

FRAMEWORK_TEXT_Company began as a cyber security company focused on insider threats


We saw a cyber industry focused on identifying cyber breaches as they were occurring – and then trying to stop them

This is like playing goal line defense on every play – it wont work

Considering that more than 50% of breaches somehow involve an employee

We saw an opportunity to move left and focus on the early indicators that would signal an employee strugging under pressure and stress or with concerning behaviors

We quickly realized that in order for organization to work with early behavior risk data – they needed to be all the legal guardrails in place to protect privacy and maintain legal compliance

We also realized that roles within an organization that deal with people risk issues (HR, Security, Legal, Compliance) – lacked a central environment to manage risk – instead reliant on manual processes and silo’d systems

And all of this needed to be based-upon employee consent – because surveillance systems are not palatable to more company cultures – and created a counter productive culture

From cyber – we realized the same challenges existing for workplace violence, harassment, safety and suicide prevention



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